For Nursery
There are two Terminal exams is a academic year which are at regular interval including oral & written. Only grades are awarded & promotion is based on class room as well as exam performance.

For Jr.KG & Sr.KG
They are three units in an academic year which are conducted at Regular intervals including orals & written only grades are awarded & promotion is based on classroom as well as exam performance.

For Std: 1 to 3
There are 4 Unit Tests in the whole Academic year. The focus is on identifying the talent of the learner & to empower them with positive inputs.

For Std: 4 to 8
Evaluation system includes two units & terms each of 40 marks & 60 marks.

For Std: 9 to 12
School follows Gujarat govt. approved semester pattern where each semester has two formative assessment & one summative assessment.
Summative assessment includes pen paper test where as formative assessment are in different forms as Quiz, Presentation project, Group discussion, visits, Role play, skits & many other different interactive activities.
Summative assessment includes pen paper test where as formative assessment are in different forms as Quiz, Presentation project, Group discussion, visits, Role play, skits & many other different interactive activities.

PTMs are scheduled on regular basis after completion of each tests. Last working days of every month parents are invited to come and discuss the growth of their ward with teachers. (Timing -: 9:00 am to 11:00 am)