Big classroom & Smart classroom
All classrooms are very well ventilated and well lit having adequate windows and ventilators. All furniture is well designed keeping child safety as priority.
Each floor has separate washrooms for Boys & Girls.
We are on a fast track planning for smart classrooms very soon.

School is having a well maintained library of 2000 books

Science Lab
Well equiped laboratories in Physics, Chemistry, Biology have been arranged in the School. They are under the charge of qualified staff and Lab. Asstt. This facility has enabled the students to perform experiments, individually, under the supervision of teachers & learn Scientific fundas.
At the middle level, experiments are demonstrated in the Class rooms.

Art & Craft Room
Art gives expression to our aesthetic abilities. Today, it is important for students to be imaginative, creative and think out-of-the box. To develop these artistic skill-sets in its students, Shayona offers a number of different art activities as per class level.
These include: Printing: jute, leaf, vegetable, spray and blow print Craft makes them to imagine & help them to bring out their creativity.

Computer Lab
Computers, which have become a modern necessity of present day life, have been inducted in the school education, so that the student may learn about it right from very beginning of his/her life.
The school has two labs for Practical work, one is for Classes I to VIII and other is for Classes IX to XII. The school is running computer education as per the guidelines set by Gujarat Board.
The lab is fully equipped with hardware and software resources. The school has latest configuration computers and peripherals so that they can also work in multimedia environment. For hardware maintenance a competent group of engineers has been assigned the responsibilities.
From time to time, programs and competitions of computer quizzes give boost to the students to upgrade their knowledge. The students have also won a number of prizes in different Inter school competitions. A well qualified faculty always supports students to achieve positive results. The school also conducts IT Skills Development Programme for other subject teachers, so that teachers can introduce new methods of teaching. The school is trying to impart computer education in such a way that after school days, the youth of India may fulfill the growing needs of Information Technology and industry to help the nation in every possible way.

Assembly Hall
We have a big Assembly Hall of capacity of 300+ students. Regular assemblies are conducted here.

Medical Facility
Students get first-aid in the school Medical Room, in the case of illness, or accident; free of cost. In the major injuries or minor illness the students are escorted to hospital by school conveyance and the parents are informed accordingly.
All the parents are requested to impart health education to their children so that they :
Maintain personal hygiene like trimming of nails, regular hair-cut and being neat on a regular basis.
- Students should exercise regularly.
- Sleep for at least 8 hours daily.
- Have a nutritionally balanced diet.
- Drink boiled or filtered water.
- Avoid consumption of eatables from road side vendors.
- Get dental and ophthalmic check up done at least once every year - by a Dentist and an Ophthalmologist.

A Big Dance Room
Which is well equipped with music system is a special feature of school.

Shooting Range
Shooting Range is a Unique feature of NSIS